Miguel D. Soledad
This paper analyzed the ethical choices of two sets of graduate management students – one took an ethics course while the other did not – to determine whether formal training on ethics affected a person’s ethical choice. This was done by subjecting the two sets of students to a test on ethical choices. The study revealed that students who have undergone formal training on ethics exhibited better ethical choices than those who had no such training. Their mean score in the ethics test was lower and the difference in the mean scores between the two groups of students was significant. Also, there was a greater proportion of better than average ethical scorers among students who were enrolled in the ethics course than those who were not enrolled in the said course. As in their mean scores, the difference in proportions was significant. This researcher also observed that there was no relationship between ethical scores and age, income or work experience. Likewise, when compared as to gender, religion, position, and undergraduate education the differences in the mean scores of the students were not significant. Based on the results of this study, the researcher recommended the broadening of the ethics program of the participating schools and to enhance this by adopting the case method as the primary teaching methodology and the development of local management cases. The conduct of further studies, including “before-after” researches, using a larger size of respondents and on respondents coming from the same degree programs, is also recommended.
Keywords: business ethics, management, management education
. Keywords: business ethics, management, management education