Students who complete their courses with the following absolute minimum weighted average grade shall graduate with honors:
Summa cum laude 1.20
Magna cum laude 1.45
Cum laude 1.75
All the grades in all subjects prescribed in the curriculum, as well as subjects that qualify as electives, shall be included in the computation of the weighted average grade.
Furthermore, in cases where the electives taken are more than those required in the program, the following procedure will be used in selecting the electives to be included in the computation of the weighted average grade: 1. For students who did not shift programs, consider the required number of electives in chronological order.
2. For students who shifted from one program to another, the electives to be considered shall be selected according to the following order of priority:
a) Electives taken in the program where the student is graduating will be selected in chronological order.
b) Electives taken in the previous program and acceptable as electives in the second program will be selected in chronological order.
c) Prescribed courses taken in the previous program but qualify as electives in the second program will be selected in chronological order.
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