Additional Rules
Candidates for graduation with honors must have completed in the University at least 75 percent of the total number of academic units or hours for graduation and must have been in residence therein for at least two years immediately prior to graduation.
In the computation of the final average ‘of candidates for graduation with honors, only resident credits shall be included. Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have taken during each semester not less than 15 units of credit or the normal load prescribed in the curriculum. In cases where such normal load is less than 15 units, unless the lighter load was due to justifiable causes such as health reasons, unavailability of courses needed in the curriculum to complete the full load, or the fact that the candidate is a working student, students cannot be considered for graduation.
To justify underloading, the submission of the following documents is required:
1. For health reasons - medical certification to be confirmed by the University Health Service.
2. For unavailability of courses - certification by the major adviser and copy of schedule of classes.
3. For employment - copy of payroll and appointment papers indicating among others duration of employment.
It is the responsibility .of the student to establish beyond reasonable doubt the veracity of the cause(s) of his light loading. It is required in this connection that documents submitted to establish the cause(s) of his loading, such as certificate of employment and/or medical certificate,. must be sworn to. These documents must be submitted during the semester of underloading.