DiWA, "Disease Watch and Analytics" Users' Training, 2022
"Going Beyond R&D: DiWA Face-to-Face Public Launching and User's Training" was opened on November 25, 2022, at Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao, for DiWA: Disease Watch and Analytics application, a new online innovative planning tool and integrative platform to aid decision-makers in disease prevention and control in Mindanao.
DiWA end-users from various government and non-government organizations from across Mindanao, students and educators from different academic institutions, welcomed the app with high hopes for disease surveillance and response.
The morning event had plenary talks from each of the Program Leaders who shared their research challenges overcome and milestones achieved through the collective efforts of its researchers.
"These efforts won't be realized without the help of our research partners," said Dr. Mata. While Dr. Logrosa, Dr. Del Mundo, and Mr. Dela Torre urged and hoped to continue and expand the collaborations to realize these efforts.
The talks were followed by an open forum where guests got the chance to ask questions to the Project Leaders pertaining to the DiWA app, mentorship through thesis coaching, and internship. "Our ideas would be more significant when put into concrete applications or actions," Dr. Logrosa explained.
Chancellor Murao quoted a line from Henry Ford, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
The AMDABiDSS-Health Team extended its gratitude to Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao for the support in the event.
"We beat the disease with DSS, a Decision-Support System, for a health-resilient Mindanao!" they shouted.