The requirements for graduation include the completion of all academic as well as non-academic requirements such as submission of bound copies of the thesis, if thesis is required.
Students who have completed all requirements for graduation on or before the deadline set for this purpose are listed as candidates for graduation as of the end of that semester.
If, however, some graduation requirements are completed beyond the deadline, the student must register during the succeeding semester in order to be considered a candidate for graduation as of the end of that semester. The deadlines for completion of the requirements for graduation are: 1. For those graduating as of the end of summer, the deadline is the day before the first day of regular registration for the first semester.
2. For those graduating as of the end of the first semester, the deadline is the day before the first day of regular registration for the second semester.
3. For those graduating as of the end of the second semester, the deadline is the day before the college/school faculty meeting to decide the graduation of students.
No student who fails to pay the required graduation fee within the specified period set by the University Registrar shall be conferred any title or degree. Such a student may, however, upon his request and payment of the necessary fees, be given a certified copy of his credentials without specifying his completion of the requirements toward any title or degree.
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