The following implementing rules and regulations shall govern penalties applicable to faculty members who, without good reason, fail to submit grades of students within the deadline prescribed above:
1. Since the prompt submission of grades is in large part a matter of good management, discipline and enforcement of University regulations, Department Chairmen, College Secretaries and Deans are enjoined to bend all efforts towards compliance with codal provisions regarding deadlines for submission of grades as well as recommendations for graduation of students.
2. Faculty members who fail to meet deadlines for the submission of grades should be reported to the appropriate authorities in the University. The delinquencies should be entered in the personnel records of the erring faculty members.
3. Upon recommendation of the Dean and subject to the approval of the Chancellor, a faculty member who, without justifiable cause, fails to submit grades on time, shall be liable to any of the following penalties:
a) Warning;
b) Reprimand;
c) Fine of not more than his salary per day for each day of delay; or
d) Suspension without pay for a period not exceeding one semester in case of repeated delinquency.
4. The procedure for the imposition of any penalty shall consist of the following steps:
a) Notification of deadline, including request for an explanation;
b) Report of delinquency; and
c) Order imposing the penalty.