Latest Announcements

Hiring University Research Associate I

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

URA I for Data Analytics2022 Posting-v3-1Hiring for University Research Associate I for Data Analytics
for 1 Year with possibility of extension
Graduate of BS Computer Science, BS Information Technology, BS Computer Engineering or relevant courses
Preferably with experience in App Development using Python-based web framework such as Fastapi and experience with AWS
Based in the Davao Region and can report to work as soon as possible.

2nd UP Mindanao Gender Research Forum

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

Second UP Mindanao Gender Research Forum

In celebration of the National Women’s Month and 27th UP Mindanao Anniversary, the Office of Gender and Development organizes the 2nd UP Mindanao Gender Research Forum on March 28, 2022, Monday, 1:00-5:00 PM via Zoom. The Webinar will showcase three diverse research papers. Misc. Mandeep Kaur F. Ranu, a faculty member of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, will share “Dreaming about a Pleasure-based approach to ending HIV and AIDS.” Ms. Mitchiko Ariola Lopez, a Researcher from the Office of Research, will give a lecture on “Leveraging existing gender relations to optimize the gains from value-adding opportunities: The case of the cacao value chain in Davao City”. Ms. Marilou Montiflor, a Researcher from the School of Management, will give a talk on “Creating inclusive policies that enhance women’s role in agriculture.”

AMDABiDSS-Health's Media Launch, 2022

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

R2I Pubmat03-1 R2I Pubmat03-2 Countdown DAY 5 R2I Pubmat03-3 Countdown DAY 4
R2I Pubmat03-4 Countdown DAY 3 R2I Pubmat03-5 Countdown DAY 2 Media Launching Info
 Do you know that through research, we can develop a tool to predict the spread of an infectious disease such as (but not limited to) COVID-19 and Dengue? Or create a decision-support system to help hospitals prioritize actions and local governments to implement risk management? Or a tool to assess the risk of infectious diseases in urban green spaces? Or detection of SARS-CoV-2 in community water systems? Learn how research plays a vital role in creating public policy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
This March 29, 2022, at 9AM, we are glad to INVITE YOU to join the AMDABiDSS-Health's Media Launch with the theme, "Research to Impacts: Bridging gaps between science and public policy amidst COVID-19 pandemic" via Zoom.
Together with the Academe, Government Agencies, NGOs: All join in one vision to provide sustainable solutions to aid communities from the health threats in the regions.
Certificates will be given after the event.
Invite your friends and colleagues!
If you have any queries, you can send a message here or email us at
Save the date and we'll see you there!



Dr. Rasco's Lecture on Agri-fishery Transformation

Written by Rene Estremera. Posted in Announcements

2022 032522 DBSES RASCOThe University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies (DBSES) invites the interested public to the Special Lecture Series: Lecture 1 on 25 March 2022.

Eufemio T. Rasco Jr. will deliver a lecture on "Data- and Values-driven Approach to Agri-fishery Transformation." Dr. Rasco is UP Mindanao's first Professor Emeritus and is an Academician of the National Academy of Science & Technology. The event is an offering by the DBSES for the 27th Anniversary of UP Mindanao   Please check the poster for details. 


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